Travelling Exhibition
„Gene Age“

The traveling exhibition combined with the website presents the basics of genetics and the DNA molecule to the public in an engaging and entertaining way especially in relation to rare genetic diseases, their diagnostics and potential treatments.

Test your knowledge

One of our main goals is education. That’s why we offer an online version of the exhibition with much more information than you’ll find at our live event. For every completed quiz, our sponsors donate to genetic disease treatment research. Each of your clicks contributes to a good cause.

Exhibition Objective

The purpose of our project is to raise awareness about the influence of genes and their mutations on human diseases, especially rare ones. We want to popularize this topic, point to the inclusion and integration of people with rare diseases into society and address misunderstandings and barriers. With our project partners we give guidance on approaching and helping these individuals integrate into the society, better.


The project is under the patronage of

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Eva Pavlová
First Lady

„I have decided to take on the patronage of the exhibition ‚Gene Age‘ because it is essential to understand the connection between genetics and our uniqueness. Presentations like this exhibition are crucial in breaking down the barriers that people with rare diseases often encounter in their daily lives.“

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Alexandra Udženija
Deputy Mayor of Prague

It’s vital to support awareness of such unique research and to help not only Oliver but all angel children, giving them and their families hope for a fulfilled life.

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Ondřej a Katarína Vlček
Founders of the Vlček Family Foundation
Petra Nesvačilová
Actress and Director

The exhibition was financially supported by Erasmus – Akademie věd – AV 21

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Project Partners


Take the Quiz

For each quiz you complete, our sponsors contribute funds towards genetic disease research. Your participation genuinely makes a difference. Additionally, you stand a chance to win attractive rewards, such as entry tickets to Techmania in Pilsen or to the World of Technology in Dolní Vítkovice.

Take the Quiz

Supplementary Materials